


Whenever a turning point in Life comes my way, i set out to create a unique spiral based on subconscious meanderings, fully conscious ideas, and a desire to make a more visually impressive Spinning Mandala Spiral, than the previous Spiral. Spirella is #4 in the Spiral family and is dedicated to my daughter Bella. The goal of this spiral was to blend images and symbols from her reality, with the imagination in a way that will allow for me to create fascinating stories, fairy tales, based on the Art as her perception and awareness evolves. It was also intended to be something she would treasure throughout her life, and the meaning and symbolism would slowly unfold as she becomes wiser and more curious in her coming years. When creating Spirella, the mind wanders and my true intentions may not be visible for years to come. The best way to view Spirella is while she is spinning, where she unfolds in infinite layers of interconnectivity, wonder and beauty. The Artwork is vibrant and positive, and has some of the best spinning illusions since the original Spiraea…

Enjoy the infinite stories of Spirella, for Bella.


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12x12in. Paper print, 12x12in. Giclee Canvas print, 12x12in. Plastic print, 24x24in. Paper print, 24x24in. Giclee Canvas print, 24x24in. Plastic print, 36x36in. Paper print, 36x36in. Giclee Canvas print, Original Ink Artwork